Nabeschouwing: Coëfficiëntenrecord Nederland - Coëfficiënten
UEFA Country Ranking 2023. This page shows the calculation of the UEFA country ranking of 2023, which is determined by the sum of the UEFA country coefficients over the last 5 years. The column 'teams' lists the number of participating clubs in the last year for that association.
UEFA Club ranking - Coëfficiënten
This page shows the calculation of the UEFA country coefficients in the season 2021/2022, which are determined by the number of points divided by the number of participating clubs. The coefficients of 5 successive years are used for the UEFA country ranking.
UEFA coefficient - Wikipedia
updated on 16.06.2024 at 10:03 pm. Calculation of UEFA Country Ranking. The UEFA Country Ranking (also known as the UEFA coefficient) is a ranking list drawn up by UEFA that makes it possible to compare the strengths of the various countries.
UEFA Country Ranking 2023 - kassiesA
Introduced first in 1990 with various calculation principles applied throughout the years, currently the club coefficient is either the sum of the points earned by the club in the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and UEFA Conference League over the previous five seasons or 20% of the club's association coefficient over the same period ...